Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Kevin Salyer Author-Name-First: Kevin Author-Name-Last: Salyer Author-Name: Victor Dorofeenko Author-Name-First: Victor Author-Name-Last: Dorofeenko Author-Name: Gabriel Lee Author-Name-First: Gabriel Author-Name-Last: Lee Author-Workplace-Name: Department of Economics, University of California Davis Title: Risk Shocks and Housing Markets Abstract: This paper analyzes the role of uncertainty in a multi-sector housing model with financial frictions. We include time varying uncertainty (i.e. risk shocks) in the technology shocks that affect housing production. The analysis demonstrates that risk shocks to the housing production sector are a quantitatively important impulse mechanism for the business cycle. Also, we demonstrate that bankruptcy costs act as an endogenous markup factor in housing prices; as a consequence, the volatility of housing prices is greater than that of output, as observed in the data. The model can also account for the observed countercyclical behavior of risk premia on loans to the housing sector. Length: 43 File-URL: https://repec.dss.ucdavis.edu/files/ZG3pRBbaGXChqiRu49QrLqPr/10-11.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Number: 89 Classification-JEL: E4, E5, E2, R2, R3 KeyWords: agency costs, credit channel, time-varying uncertainty, residential investment, housing production, calibration Creation-Date: 20100606 Handle: RePEc:cda:wpaper:89