Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Thomas Mayer Author-Name-First: Thomas Author-Name-Last: Mayer Author-Workplace-Name: Department of Economics, University of California Davis Title: Misinterpreting a Failure to Disconfirm as a Confirmation: A Recurrent Misreading of Significance Tests Abstract: When a significance test fails to disconfirm a hypothesis economist often interpret this as evidence that this hypothesis is valid. Six such examples are cited from recent journals. But this is a misinterpretation of what significance tests show. Presumably this misinterpretation is founded on the valid principle that every failure to disconfirm a hypothesis adds to its credibility. But that principle defines â??failure to disconfirmâ?? in a way that differs sharply from the way that this phrase is used in the context of significance tests. Some ways of ameliorating this problem exist. Length: 18 File-URL: https://repec.dss.ucdavis.edu/files/SJP1asFii2RCimGMVtdBWPWR/01-8.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Number: 42 Classification-JEL: C1, B4 KeyWords: significance tests, t values, t coefficients, confirmation Creation-Date: 20030115 Handle: RePEc:cda:wpaper:42